

苏州中学国际书院(SOOCHOW ACADEMY)源自 1927 年汪懋祖校长创立的江苏省苏州中学校的西方文学和英语课程项目,名师有吕叔湘、杨荫瑜等,为中国早期培养海外留学生的摇篮之一。

为构筑与国际接轨的开放式教育体系、培养具有国际竞争力的复合型人才,苏州中学国际书院于 2013 年开设了“卓越课程”班级,为志在追求国际优秀高等教育的同学提供了专门的培养平台,目前已向海外名校输送了多批优秀学生。

为了更加充分地与海外顶尖大学申请要求及其严格的学术水平对接、帮助学生在海外求学阶段取得实质性成功,国际书院于 2017 年对原“卓越课程”进行全面升级, 增设了国际名校普遍认可的美国大学先修课程(AP 课程)、AP 衔接课程、学术英语课程、美国高中特色课程、大学申请指导课程等,并加强了对学生个人指导和评估的深度及广度。


Soochow Academy, one of the pillars of Suzhou High School of Jiangsu Province, is designed to foster an atmosphere where students can be well-prepared to study overseas. We have been helping Chinese students to achieve their academic dreams since 1927.

The academy grew out of the Program of Western Literature and the English Language, started in 1927 by Wang Maozu, the first principal of Soochow Academy. Many famous scholars such as Lyu Shuxiang and YangYinyu devoted themselves to this great academy.

To build an open, competitive, and international education system, Soochow Academy established the Zhuoyue Program in 2013, aiming to build a professional platform for those students who want to pursue higher education overseas. So far, the program has sent many great and talented students to renowned universities all over the world.

In 2017, Soochow Academy fully upgraded the Zhuoyue Program, integrating into the existing curriculum with AP courses (which are acknowledged by top American universities), pre-AP courses, academic English courses which are based on the American high school system) and counseling services. We have also perfected the student services platform at our school, bringing in professional advisers to help students with their personal assessments and applications, as well as to provide guidance to whoever needs the services. These guidance counselors help students navigate the strict academic requirements of top universities, allowing them to be accepted into their desired programs at top American universities.

Soochow Academy is set up to bring about students who grow to be "life-long learners“, "self-discoverers", and "open-minded, international citizens." The program focuses on students' academic English skills, logical thinking skills, enthusiastic learning attitudes, and efficient learning habits. In essence, we want students to be prepared for the fierce competition ahead, and be able to excel in top overseas universities once they are admitted.

